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Showing posts from March, 2020


6.THE ELEVATOR.  ( “door opens”) (“ a man nervously walks the doors and reaches reception desk”) “Hello,” said man with a nervous tone.   “ hello sir welcomes to “AFTER DEATH DEPORTMENT”,” said receptionist. “ I died few minutes ago, I reached here,” said man. “ this is after death reception area sir, you have to fill this form for further action, so take a seat and complete the form,” said receptionist, and shows towards couch. ( he took the details form, sat down on couch, and filling details form) He reaches desk said “ here we go,” and handover the details form. “ I will explain further detail,” said receptionist. “Okay,” said man with nervous tone.   “There is 25 levels in heaven upside, and 25 levels in hell down side. When you step into that elevator it takes upside or downside. It is depends on the more people that loves you that much high level you reach in heaven, and the more people that hates you that much low level you reach in hell,” said r


5.THE MATHS EXAM. (“ final bell is ringing background at school” Students started packing their bags) “ well, enjoy your weekend, and be prepare for Monday final exam,” said teacher. ( “  Teacher left class room, everyone left school ”   “ Mike unlocking his bicycle. ”) “Hey, I’m very scared about math exam,” said Kevin. “Don’t worry Kevin, I got solution for our problem”, said mike. “ what ??, really how ?, tell me,” said Kevin.   “ not here, meet me at my home today,” said mike. “ okay, but I will go home by 8 o’clock otherwise mom will kills me,” said Kevin with slow voice. “ okay, come home as soon as possible,” said mike. (“ mike reaches his home, throws his bag in his room”) “ honey, you’re home,” said mike’s home. “Yah, mom and Kevin coming home”, said mike. “ oh nice.  Can I make something for you both,” said mike’s mom. “No need mom, we need to prepare for the exam, so don’t disturb us okay please,” said mike. “ okay,” sai


CASE:001   FIRST CASE.                                                                                                                                Date:13-08-1982     “ Phone ringing in police station” Police Constable pick up the phone says, “ hello, city police station”. “hello sir, this is mythri apartment watch man. we found a dead body at the bottom apartment building of 12 th  apartment room owner this morning”, said apartment watchmen. “we are coming and don’t touch the body”, said police constable, and hung up the phone. Constable ran into next room, and said, “sir, there is dead body in mythri apartment”. “when that happened”, said inspector. “apartment watchmen informed about dead body just now”, said constable. “ okay let’s go then”, said inspector, and ordered 4 constables to come with him. Total apartment people surrounded, and watching dead body. Police reach the apartment, and couple of constables controlling the crowd, remaining consta