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  “ Phone ringing in police station”
Police Constable pick up the phone says, “ hello, city police station”.
“hello sir, this is mythri apartment watch man. we found a dead body at the bottom apartment building of 12th apartment room owner this morning”, said apartment watchmen.
“we are coming and don’t touch the body”, said police constable, and hung up the phone.
Constable ran into next room, and said, “sir, there is dead body in mythri apartment”.
“when that happened”, said inspector.
“apartment watchmen informed about dead body just now”, said constable.
“ okay let’s go then”, said inspector, and ordered 4 constables to come with him.

Total apartment people surrounded, and watching dead body.
Police reach the apartment, and couple of constables controlling the crowd, remaining constable helping the inspector with dead body examination.
“ call watchmen”, shouted inspector.
Constable tilted the body, inspector examining the body.
“hello sir”, said watchmen.
“do you know who is this ?”, asked inspector.
“sir, he is 12th apartment owner”, said watchmen.
“what is his name, and how long he his living here?”, said inspector.
“naresh sir his name, and he is living here around 5-6 years sir”, said watchmen.
“he is living single or family”, asked inspector.
“ he is living with his family. He and his wife”, said watchmen.
“ where is his wife ?”, said inspector.
“she went her home town, I informed her 1 hour ago, she will be here in another half and hour sir”, said watchmen.
“when you saw the dead body?”, said inspector.
“ last night I went to hospital around 8 o'clock and I reached home around night 3 o'clock to home, and again join the duty morning 4:30”, said watchmen.
“i saw dead body 5 o'clock in the morning, and after that I informed you”, said watchmen.
“show me his apartment”, said inspector.


Watchmen took inspector to his apartment, inspector start examine.
Inspector ordered his constables to search apartment for any note or something unusually.
Inspector examined the room, and window that he jumped from.
One of his constable found a note under sofa, and gave it to inspector.
Inspector read that note, it is a suicide note.
That suicide note clearly state that due his health problems he his committed suicide.
Inspector examined the whole apartment, and window he jumped from. Totally usual
It is completely shows clear suicide.
Then they seized the apartment and they reached down side.
His wife, and his brother in law reached the apartments, and started crying over the his husband
Constables controlling her from not touching body.
Inspector completing all formalities like marking, picture, and they waiting for ambulance to move the body to hospital for further for postmodern.


Form the crowd one man shouting “please let me in, I know your inspector”, and constables trying to stop him.
Inspector reached that person said, “who are you ?”.
“ sir I’m a private detective, my name is DETECTIVE DINESH ,this city famous detective, and you know me”, said detective with a smile, and showed his card.
“oh ! you are the one famous marriage detective of the city”, said inspector with funny voice.
“yeah. That is my another name”, said detective in a low tone.
“this is a crime spot not a marriage hall, so just leave”, said inspector.
“i know I want to be a great crime detective, so please help me to examine the crime”, said detective.
“ no, I don’t allow you to examine, so just leave”, said inspector.
“please, you already completed that examine, so just allow me 5 minutes, and I don’t make any problem”, said detective.
“see this man committed suicide from this building by jumping due to his health examination complete yours to so leave now”, said inspector.
“hey you owe me a favor so just give me one chance please”, said detective.
“how I own you a favor my friend”, said inspector.
“i helped you in your examination in our school age remember”, said detective.
“ how that equals to this?”, said inspector.
“please I’m got sick of being marriage detective, so please give me one chance to examine this crime. It won’t take any longer”, said detective with a innocent face.
“ okay, I’m giving you 10 minutes to examine. 5 minutes here at the body, and 5minutes at his apartment, and I’m watching you”, said inspector.
“ thank you, that’s enough for me”, said detective and give a shake hand to inspector.

Detective took his tool kit out, he start his examine with the body. He checks dead body eyes and colour of skin to calculate time of death. He his wounds, and nails. Inspector closely watching what he is doing. Detective completed his inspection in around 4 minutes.

“will you show me his apartment sir”, said detective to inspector.
“ ah ! you done hear ?”, said inspector.
“yeah, done”, said detective.
“ oh so fast, come”, said inspector.
Inspector took him to apartment and said, “ the room is yours”.
Detective took his magnifier glass out of his pocket, and checks finger prints on wine bottle, and his wine glass ( dead person drunken glass). check window that dead person jumped from. Asked suicide letter from inspector,and read all matter. Completes his total inspection in around 12 minutes.

“what is your conclusion ?”, said detective to inspector.
“it is suicide, everything is clean”, said inspector.
Detective smiles.
“ why are you laughing”, said inspector.
“ I don’t think it is a suicide”, said detective.
“ so what is it”, said inspector.
“ it is homicide”, said detective.   
“ how can you say that, I didn’t found any clues to prove homicide”, said inspector.
“ I have few points to prove”, said detective.
“ what are they?”, said inspector.
“firstly his drunken wine glass has finger prints on it, but there is no fingerprints on wine bottle. So, someone cleared the finger prints on it. It means he is not alone.
Secondly, if he is jump from here defiantly he broke more bones, but he only injured on his head, and blood loss is also very less on down there. It state that someone killed him here and dragged his body to down placed there.
Thirdly, his nails contain some skin and blood marks on. So, that mean he done some fight before death. That mean our murderer has his scratch marks on him.
Finally, by seeing his body, he died almost 2o clock in the night. There is huge rain last night from 1:00-2:30 am, but his cloths is completely clean.”, said detective.
“hmm!!!”, said inspector. He is out of his words.
“ i saw his wife down there, and some scratches on her hand”, said detective.
Inspector said, “ what should I do now”.
“ interrogate her and her brother”, said detective. 


Inspector done interrogation with both dead person wife and his brother in law. Both accepts that they murdered him, and planning it into suicide. Police arrest both suspects.
They cleaning public, they moved dead body for further process, seized the apartment.
Police arranged a press meet.
Press gathered at crime place, to know details about murder details.
Detective requests inspector for include his name also in crime solving.
“dead person wife and his brother in law had a fight with dead person. In that argue become more violent, and they killed him, and created whole murder into suicide”, said inspector.
“ how did you solved the whole crime in one day”, asked a question by one press reporter.
“ I and my constables find more clues to solve the case”, said inspector.
From other side detective do some signs to inspector to include my name also.
“ and detective also helped us to solve this crime “, in very low tone.
Press asks photo.
Inspector and his constables gathered and one end detective also stands for a picture.
Inspector signals to cryptographer remove him.

Next day detective wake up very early and waiting for news paper for to see his face on paper, but news paper they don’t include his name, and also they cropped his face from group picture.

                                                                                                                   - a story teller.



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