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[ Horror movie playing on television]


Tom shouts and grabs his pet cat close to him, gasps slowly “ oh my god, oh my god”, and continues watching the movie.


Car honks in front of his house.

To pause the movie, and goes out of the house.


Tom waves his hands in the air and says “ hey dude how are you doing?”, and shakes his hands with his friend.

“I'm fine tom,” said Mike.

“ come dude, let's get into the house,” said tom.

“ no dude, I have to go as soon as possible, but I got something for you,” says Mike, and opens his bag, takes out a joint.


“no dude, I’m out from this shit,” said Tom, with the not interested face.

“no dude, this is different, this is new, and it will blow your mind,” said Mike.

Tom still shows no interest.

“ come on try this, you will love it,” says MIKE, and handovers it to tom.

“Okay,” says Tom in a slow voice.

“Okay then see you tomorrow,” said Mike, and left.

Tom gets back into the house.


Tom turns off the T.V and lites the marij**na joint.

He smokes half of the cigarette, and sits comfortably on his couch closes his eyes.


The doorbell rings.

Tom takes another puff and opens the door.

There is no one at the door, tom gets out to check the front yard, still, there is no one.

Tom takes another puff and throws cigarette buds into the lawn.

Tom gets back into the house and closes the door.


Tom closes the door and turns, he sees footsteps on the carpet, but no one standing there. He rubs his eyes and watches again. He can still see the footprints on the carpet in front of him.

Suddenly, footsteps move across the halls, tom can see the footprints on the carpet, and he can hear footsteps sounds.

Fear builds in tom heart, he turns towards the door and opens the door.

Tom rushes out, slips on the steps, and fell on the lawn.

Tom looks at the door, and the door slowly closed.


Tom stands up and checks his wounds, there are some scratches on his hand, and looks back at the main door.

Within a split second, everything changed around him, now tom is standing in the middle of the house. Tom felt like he teleported back into his house.

Tom doesn't understand what just happened to him.

Tom starts screaming and runs towards the main door, grabs the doorknob, and tries to unlock the main door.

The doorknob stiff doesn’t turn, he screams for help.

Finally, the doorknob turns and the door opens, but there is a closet, not an exit.


Tom doesn’t understand what just happened, but he just rushes into the closet and closes the door.

Tom sat in the corner of the closet, his whole body covered with the cloths, and he his shivering.


[Knock, knock]

Someone knocking on the closet door.

Tom slowly “who is it?”

“dude this is mike, what are you doing in the closet,” said Mike.

Tom rushes towards the door and opens

Tom grabs the mike, and said “dude there is something in the house”.

“nothing is here,” Mike said.

Tom places his both arms on mike's shoulders and takes deep breaths.

In a split second everything changes.


Tom appeared in front of the bathroom mirror, and his both hands were placed on the washbasin.

Mike disappeared, and tom looked into eyes in the mirror.

Tom shouts “mike?”

Gets no reply.

Tom bents and washes his face, and looks into the mirror says “ what just happening here ?”

“ everything is normal, need not worry,” says tom reflecting from the mirror.

Tom jumps back and says “ who the hell are you?”

“ I’m you,” said his reflection.

Tom holds his head and said, “ what’s happening here ?”

“ I just told you, nothing is happening here, and everything you imagining in your mind, because of the weed you smoked,” said tom reflection.


Tom realizes, “everything that just happen here, as it is the horror movie that he just watched, after smoking weed, I’m just imagining everything here.”

Tom closes his eyes and whispers “ think something different, no ghosts only cats.”

He repeats again and again “ no ghosts only cats”

And opens his eyes.

Everything went normal.

Tom leaves the washroom.


Tom reaches his couch in the hall and sleeps on it.

He grabs his cat, holds the cat on him, and slowly closes his eyes whispers “ no horror, only cats”.


Cat says “ meow” from his back.

Tom opens his eyes and looks back.

There are dozens of cats coming from the stairway, and dozens of cats coming from the washroom.

Tom looks down already total hall filled with cats just as like his pet cat.

Tom freaks out and every cat approaches him, and slowly every cat turns into ghost cats, and zombie cats.

Tom stands on his couch and jumps towards the kitchen.

Every cat chasing after him, tom takes the knife out, closes his eyes, and whispers “ think something no harm”

“ Nemo, Finding Nemo” whispered again and again in his mind, and open his eyes.

One cat enters the kitchen and has no sign of other cats.


Tom takes a deep breath, throws the knife into the sink, and reaches the fridge.

Takes a water bottle out, starts drinking.

Suddenly something taps on his back, and tom quickly turns back.

“ did you see my father ?’” said Nemo, and he his floating in mid-air like he his swimming in the air.

“no, I didn’t,” said tom.

“ Okay,” says Nemo, and Nemo left the kitchen.

After a few seconds, from the other side nemo father, and dory reaches tom.

“ did you see my son? he just looks like me,” says Nemo's father.

“yeah,” said Tom, and show his finger towards the hall.

Nemo's father and dory say “ thank you” and they swim towards the hall.

“ what just happening ?” says himself tom, and finishes the water bottle.

Dory returns from the hall, back to the kitchen

“ can I ask you a question ?” said dory.

“yes,” said tom.

“How can you breath in the water?” said dory and left the kitchen.

“ but there is no water here” screamed tom.


Tom felt his feet wet and looks down.

Within a couple of minutes, the total kitchen, and the hall filled with water.

Tom floated in mid-water, trying to take some air, and sucked the air from an empty bottle from his hand.

Tom swam through the water for his way out from the kitchen, and he reached the hall.

At the corner of the hall, tom sees that Nemo met his father and their happiness.

Tom reached the stairs hardly reached the top, at the top there is no water. Tom took a deep breath and fell to the ground unconscious.[ due to holding his breath too long]


The next day morning, Tom woke up on the floor.

Scratches all over his hands, and face. Tom doesn’t understand what happened? why he slept on the floor.

He went downstairs, everything is normal in the hall and kitchen. Tom doesn’t remember anything.

Tom went into his room to check the secret camera footage, he found that after smoking the cigarette, his behavior was so much odd, like talking himself, acting like swimming on the floor, and being feared by his own pet cat.

Finally, he realize everything, because of that cigarette, and said “what the puff”.





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