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Showing posts from February, 2020


4.THREE LITTLE PIGEONS.   “Last night city experienced a harsh weather, due to thunder storm people and animals lost their homes, huge wind damaged trees and poles. Weather department reports says that last night rainfall is huge in last half century. FOUND AN EGG:  Two Pigeon brothers lost their family and shelter due to last night disaster weather. Both started searching for a new place for shelter, then at middle of city garden they found a nice tree to build a new shelter.  Both brothers started gathering twigs ,grass, and leaves. Then younger brother pigeon found an egg in between leaves. “ hey brother I found an egg here”, said younger pigeon. Elder pigeon reaches the egg and said, “I think may be this egg also lost his family in the last night disaster.” “ do u think egg is still alive”, said younger pigeon. Elder pigeon reaches the egg and examines closely and said, “ there is no cracks on egg, may be he still alive.” “is this a pigeon egg ?”, aske


3.  PLUTO. Hello, today I’m going to tell you a story. This is not a fictional story, this is my life story. I’m youngest one out of nine children. All my brothers and sisters are very much talented and magnificent. In comparison, I’m so small, and weak at work. At the beginning of life I tried very hard to keep up with my brothers and sisters, but I always slow. But at least I’m trying. Then one day, they don’t accept me anymore. They frequently questioning me, why are you so small ?, why were you even born?, and  your not one of us. Slowly they started put me distance from family. They stops mentioning in family topics, and they stops telling about me to their kids. After few years, everyone forget that I’m one of them. I’m no more in their memories and even they forget my name. And “MY NAME IS PLUTO”.                                                                                            - a story teller (V13). for more story'


2. TERMS AND CONDITIONS . Long back ago, before my birth When I was a soul without a body. Then I got a call from a god. When I reached the top of the hill then, There is the god, glowing like a newborn star. I stand in front of him in silence and just admire his beauty. Then he said “it’s your time buddy, you are going to get a life and a body so congratulations. “ Then I said, really with a shocked face.   Then he came closer to me, put a hand on me, and said, “ hey buddy it is just a common thing every soul gets this chance, you are not the only one". Then he gave me one form to fill in my details and some terms and conditions. Then I took that form to fill, and I’m filling in my opening details like the date and time of going out, last time's body details, and some other stuff. Then I reached the terms and conditions list there is several points, I just like ignored it and put a tick mark at I agree on the thing and signed happily. Then I gave it to him. Then he sai


1. GAME OVER - RESTART . 1. GAME OVER - RESTART. On Death bed, -96 years old man Surrounded by his children and grandchildren. He is smiling by watching his children and grandchildren And remembering all his past and childhood. He remembers totally as successful and happy. Then his elder son says “Everything gonna be okay, don’t worry”, With tearful eyes. “I know everything gonna be fine”, said the old man with a smile. At the corner of his bed, his 3-year-old grandson playing with a toy and asked ” papa where are you going? Mom said you're going somewhere and never come back. Why?”  The old man grab that boy's hand and said “ I’m going to meet your grandma in heaven and spend some peaceful time with her ” and laughing. Slowly closes his eyes and smile on his face.  Doctors came in conforms his death, and everyone starts crying. A few moments later The old man wakes in the darkroom with no pain, nobody, and more energy. Then a door opens. The old man enters with a lot of t