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Long back ago, before my birth
When I was a soul without a body. Then I got a call from a god.
When I reached the top of the hill then, There is the god, glowing like a newborn star.
I stand in front of him in silence and just admire his beauty.
Then he said “it’s your time buddy, you are going to get a life and a body so congratulations. “
Then I said, really with a shocked face.  
Then he came closer to me, put a hand on me, and said, “ hey buddy it is just a common thing every soul gets this chance, you are not the only one".
Then he gave me one form to fill in my details and some terms and conditions.
Then I took that form to fill, and I’m filling in my opening details like the date and time of going out, last time's body details, and some other stuff.
Then I reached the terms and conditions list there is several points, I just like ignored it and put a tick mark at I agree on the thing and signed happily.
Then I gave it to him.

Then he said “ Ah ha another buddy is going down without reading terms and conditions “ and laughed.
“Is that bad or is that wrong?” I said, with a tense face.
Then he said, “it’s not wrong but without knowing the game rules it is very hard to begin the game you may lose your life”.
I was just like a rigid face and said “am I going to die very shortly “.
He said “it is not what I mean. it means it is very hard to start, but later it will teach you. if you respect it, It will help you to grow.”
“OK,” I said.
Then he said, “ don’t worry you gonna learn the conditions I know “.
“Really, how did you know that, because you’re a god right, “ I said.
Then he smiles and said “ every human does the same thing they go down without reading the conditions and after that, they learn all conditions by accidental experiences“

I’m still calm.

He said, “ oh ok it’s 06:10 pm on 13/feb/1997”.
“SO ????” I said. With question mark face.
Then he said “ it’s your birthday buddy “, And pushed me from the hill.  

Then I’m freely falling from the sky, And the ground came closer to my eyes, it was like I’m going to die by hitting that ground, I was crying loudly by closing my eyes.
Then suddenly someone huge person carrying me, He closed his face with the mask, and in front of him, I was like a baby.
I was scared and I also feel so cold, I’m crying like a baby, then I reached a warm hug from my mother.
Then I feel my body and I feel warm and safe, then I realize that it is called birth.  
And slowly calm down, and went to sleep.

And after 20 years, Now I learn some terms and conditions from nature, people, and my accidental experiences.
In the end, I can say one thing

                                                                                                    - a story teller (V13)



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