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  “Last night city experienced a harsh weather, due to thunder storm people and animals lost their homes, huge wind damaged trees and poles. Weather department reports says that last night rainfall is huge in last half century.


 Two Pigeon brothers lost their family and shelter due to last night disaster weather. Both started searching for a new place for shelter, then at middle of city garden they found a nice tree to build a new shelter.
 Both brothers started gathering twigs ,grass, and leaves. Then younger brother pigeon found an egg in between leaves.
“ hey brother I found an egg here”, said younger pigeon.
Elder pigeon reaches the egg and said, “I think may be this egg also lost his family in the last night disaster.”
“ do u think egg is still alive”, said younger pigeon.
Elder pigeon reaches the egg and examines closely and said, “ there is no cracks on egg, may be he still alive.”
“is this a pigeon egg ?”, asked younger pigeon.
“i think not a pigeon egg, it’s look like a sparrow egg”, said elder pigeon.
“ so can we keep it”, said younger pigeon with a baby face.
“ No, taking care of an egg is very difficult and this egg is not our kind so we are not keeping him” said elder pigeon.
“still I can’t fly properly, so I will be at home up to another week, so I can take care of him.” said younger pigeon with a child face.
“ okay total care about the egg is your responsibility”, said elder pigeon.

  After an hour they both build a new nest. Both moved the egg into the nest and younger one sat on the egg for warmness, elder pigeon went out for food.


  At a fine morning egg hatched, and a baby sparrow came out, then younger pigeon named him “little sparrow”. then both brothers surrounded him.
Then younger pigeon said, “I’m Lucas, the younger pigeon brother to you”.
Elder pigeon said, “ I’m Logan, the elder pigeon brother to you, and you are our little pigeon brother little sparrow”.
 The younger pigeon taking care of his brother, and learning flying, while elder pigeon collecting the food for both brothers.


 After a month everything is usual, slowly the little sparrow learning flying from his brothers, the younger and elder pigeons are collecting food for them.

Everything going fine until that day, as usually both brothers are went for food collecting, but they didn’t find food that day in the park. So both brothers went in opposite directions to find food.
At the corner of street there is a bird catcher placed bird seeds and net to catch birds. Then elder brother sees the seeds at street corner, he went for the food and landed on the net, trapped in the net.
Elder pigeon brother trying to come out from the net, and thread of the net cuts tip of the wing of the pigeon and he loosing blood, Screaming for help.
The bird catcher catches the elder pigeon,covered pigeon wood with a cloth, and puts the bird in the cage, and left.
Younger pigeon reaches the nest with some food.
“ today is tough day, I almost spend 5 hours for this food.” said younger pigeon.
“really”, said little sparrow, with mouth full of food.
“yes, where is Logan ? “said younger pigeon. With a question mark face.
“ he is still not at home “, said little sparrow.
“may be he still searching for food, I’ll go and search for him”, said younger pigeon, and left.
Younger pigeon search total park area and streets, but not finds his brother, and reaches home.
Little sparrow already slept, but younger one waits for his brother, and went into sleep.

 There is no trace of elder pigeon, both brothers searches every corner of park, streets, and city.
But they found nothing. They search every street every day, and they wait every night for him in the nest.
 The bird catcher puts elder pigeon for sale in market.


   Arthur enters into pet market with his son for buying a pet for his son. They enters into bird store.
“ all yours, choose your pet”, said Arthur to his son.
“ dad, I want a pigeon”, said max.
“ sir, do you have pigeons ?”, said Arthur to shop keeper.
Shop keeper said, “ we have only one pigeon”, and points his finger towards elder pigeon.
“ look like bird got is injured”, said Arthur to shop keeper.
“when we received the bird it is actually injured,but right now it is totally cured”, said shop keeper.
“ dad ! we will take him”, shouted max on his father.
“ha okay we take him”, said Arthur.

“mom we brought a bird to home” shouted max.
“he looks so good”, said max mother.
“ I gonna keep him in my room”, said max.
“okay as you wish”, said max mother.

 Max takes him into his room, he kept him in his cage near window. Every day he offers him a fruit and some bird food.

 On day, little sparrow went out for food search he sees the elder brother at max house. Reaches the near window, and taps on window with his nose,then elder pigeon turns towards the window.

“brother ! brother!!, where have you gone these days we are worried”, said little sparrow with eyes full of tears.
Elder pigeon cries, and explains everything to his brother.
“wait I will come inside of house”, said little sparrow.
Little sparrow tries to enter into house, but all windows are closed.
“ i can’t reach inside totally all windows are closed”, said little sparrow.
“go bring Lucas”, said elder pigeon.
 Little sparrow get back to his nest, but younger pigeon not reached home till now, so search all the park for him finally he finds younger pigeon.

“brother !! I found big brother “, said little sparrow.
“what ? really,where”, said younger pigeon with shocking face.
“ I just find him a house other side of the city”, said little sparrow with a happy face.

Both younger pigeon and little sparrow reaches max house,both brothers taps on window with their noses.
“brother! How are you ?”, said younger pigeon with full tears in eyes.
“ I’m fine”, said elder one.
“ don’t worry brother we will rescue from that cage”, said younger pigeon.
“yes brother you don’t worry we will save you” said little sparrow.
“We will come back with plan”, said younger pigeon.

Both gets back to their nest, and they making plan to free his brother.

“ we can open that cage with our nose”, said little sparrow.
“yes, for that we need to get inside, that means we need one window of house must be open”, said younger pigeon.
“so what should we do? “, said little sparrow.
 Then younger pigeon said, “ we need wait out of that house at all time, we need to use every chance”.
Every day both brothers wait in front window for perfect chance, but they never get.
One day morning max leaves school, as usually he offers a fruit and some bird seeds to elder pigeon, and leaves.
Before he leaves he closes all windows and door, but that he left some open window.

 Both brothers enters into house through window,both tries to open the cage door, after loads of struggle they opens the cage, Elder pigeon struggles for fly, due to injury he can’t fly properly, but with struggle the three brothers leaves the house and reaches their nest.

 Until elder pigeon cured from his injury, both younger brothers helped him for finding food,
One day, little sparrow asked both brothers, “ why I’m looks different from you?”.
Elder brother replied, “ because your more talented than us”.

                                           And they happily lived ever after.

                                                                                                 - a story teller(V13).

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