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Monday morning, raining outside.


A school girl walk into a lonely bus stop, and closes her umbrella. Shushmitha waiting for her school bus. Rain gets heavy, a middle age walks into bus stop with soaked clothes, and he is waiting for his bus to go work. They usually met daily in bus stop, for their buses. Usually shishmitha mother comes with her everyday till she gets into her bus, due to rain her mother absent on that day. Due to heavy rain roads are empty, no one on the road. parammaya took his kerchief out cleans water on his face and head.


 He lights cigarette, and looks at girl and said, “ where is your mother ?”. tosses matches into rain water.

“it’s raining so she’s at home uncle”, said shushmitha, and looks out for any sight of her bus.


He slowly comes close to her, she suddenly sees him, and panics.

“ what.. what you want uncle ?,” said shushmitha with breaking voice.    

“ you have water ?,” said parammaya with slow voice.

She gives her water bottle, he drinks some water, and give it to her. She kept bottle back into bag.

Fear builds in her heart, she looking around for others, but rain still getting heavy, and roads still empty. He sits on the bench backside of her, and watches her.


He looks on road side, and near house for anyone presents. Roads still empty, rain still getting heavy. Parammaya slowly reaches on her backside, tries to touch her private places. She sees his coming, and pushes him with umbrella, and starts shouting for help. No one hears a word due to heavy rain, and thunder sounds. He gets back on his feet, and pushes her.


She hits bus stop wall, and he reaches her, and tightly closes her mouth with his hand, and touches her private parts. Due to shock, and less breath income she goes unconsciousness, and falls on floor. Seeing her on the floor, he gets terrified. He looks around still none is out, rain still heavy. He checks her breath, she still ticking, and he gets in dilemma.


He cleans water bottle, throws her backpack at the corner. He lifts her, carries her on his shoulder, and covers her body by umbrella, leaves bus stop. He takes her to a abandon house in village in the rain, no one watches he taking her. He places her on the floor, and ties her hands. He locks the door, checks the neighbourhood from window.


She gets conscious, slowly opens her eyes, and checks surroundings. She spots him at the window. She slowly gets up, and attacks him with umbrella from backside. He takes the shot, but nothing happens. He turns backside, and catches her, takes umbrella from her, hits her with umbrella. She fells on the ground, he closes her mouth with his kerchief. He starts hit her with umbrella on her right leg, and brakes her leg. She tries to shout, due her mouth she can’t.


He lays on her tries to r*pe her, she still struggle from him. She still kicks him with her left leg. He gets irritated, and presses her neck to hard and long. She dies.

He realizes that she died. He stops what his doing, and starts to panic. He gets back, and clean his fingerprints from umbrella, and destroyed all his foot prints from floor, and checks total room for his things, takes his kerchief from her mouth and h*ngs her to ceiling, left the house.


Rain slowly decreases, landline phone ringing in shushmitha house. Shushmitha mother pick up the phone. It is a phone from shushmitha school, they in forms due to heavy rain they declared holiday for school, school buses also did not ran today, and Shushmitha mother hangs the phone. To pick up her daughter, shushmitha mother locks the house, covers her with saree, and reaches bus stop.


Shushmitha mother finds out, something bad happened at bus stop. She panics searches all over places around bus stop in the rain. She gets back to house call her husband, and informs police that her daughter is missing.


Parammaya reaches his house, opens wine bottle, and starts drinking. After bottle completes, he undress, and throws his clothes, and kerchief in fire. He takes a long bath, after that he went to sleep.


Monday afternoon, rain stops.


Police surrounded total area, they searching total area. They using dogs for searching, but due to heavy rain dogs did not finding any clues. Police gathering information about girl from parents.


Inspector reached crime area. Constables salutes inspector. Head constable explains everything to inspector.

Inspector reaches shushmitha parents, “ hello sir, do you have any suspicion on anyone, for family, friends?,” questioned shushmitha father.

“ no we don’t have any problems from family, and friends,” replied shushmitha father.

“ think any one suspicious around this area, or at bus stop?,” questioned inspector.

“ no, no one,” said shushmitha father.

Suddenly shushmitha mother interrupts, and said “ daily a person waits at this bus stop for his bus, same time when my daughter took her bus”.

“ oh, do you know him?”, said inspector.

“i don’t know him, but every day he waits here for his bus. May be he seen her today”, said shushmitha mother.

“ don’t worry, we will find your daughter”, said inspector and leaves.

Inspector calls head constable, ask for any clues. Head constable replies, “ due to heavy rain there is no foot prints, dogs also failing, we found one cigarette bud only, and its fresh one”.

“ find the person that her mom saying, may be he is knowing, or he is the culprit, take squad and search city”, said inspector.


Monday night, drizzling.

Head constable reports, “ sir, we didn’t find any trace about the girl, but find person address that her mom saying”.

“ then, lets go”, said inspector.


Inspector, with few constables they reached parammaya house.

Constable bangs the door hardly.

Parammaya opens the door half naked, and half sleep. After seeing the constables, he lost his sleepiness said, “ sir, what do you want sir? Why are you here?” with respect.

“ sir, want to talk with you, come”, said constable.

Parammaya folds his hands, and reaches inspector.


Inspector takes shushmitha picture out, and asks “ do you know this girl?”.

“ yes sir, I watch her at bus stop daily with her mother”, said parammaya.

“ you seen her today?”, asked inspector.

“ no sir, I seen her bag at bus stop, but I didn’t seen her today”, said parammaya.

“ how much time you’re at there?”, asked inspector.

“ when I was reached there I was fully wet due to rain, I stayed there around 5mins, and smoked one cigarette. In her bag I took some water from her bottle. Rain hasn’t stopping. I was so wet so I didn’t have mood to go work, so I came back home, and I drunk and slept”, said parammaya.

Inspector takes out cigarette bud out, and asked “ is this yours?”.

Parammaya takes bud close to his eyes , and said “ yes sir, my brand cigarette”.

“ so you didn’t seen the girl today”, asked inspector

“ no sir, what happened to the girl ?”, asked parammaya.

“ girl is missing from morning, we need you as witness, so don’t leave village without my permission”, said inspector.

“ okay sir, okay” said parammaya with respect.


Inspector and constables left parammaya house.

“ he is so clear, he is not criminal, so then what do you think about parammaya sir”, said constable.

“ I think he is the one who did that, he is so clear, he didn’t hesitate, and very well prepared. Make him suspicious list”, said inspector.


Police searching all over the area, from past two they didn’t find any trace or clue. One constable kept one on parammaya.


Thursday morning.


Police receives a call, a bad smell coming from a abandon house. Police reaches abandon house, they found shushmitha de*d body h*nging for ceiling. Police takes body down, and sends to postmodern. Police seizes entire area, forensic team searching for clues.


Postmodern report shows, criminal did to much physical damage to her, after that criminal applied to much pressure on her neck due that she died, after that criminal hanged her to the ceiling. She died Monday morning between 8-9oclock. Forensic department finds nothing due to heavy rain, to much water leaked from ceiling.



Inspector concludes that her death time, and parammaya time perfectly coincide. Definitely parammaya has connection with murder. Inspector gives orders to constable to take him into custody for interrogation.


Thursday, night.

Inspector press releases we taken one suspect into custody, we will find out true culprit soon. Inspector starts interrogation on parammaya. He tells his story correctly, they find nothing relate to him. He stick to his story.


Friday, morning.


Police produce suspect in front of judge, but police fails to submit proofs related to him. Parammaya tells his story in front of judge, police fails to make counter attack on his story. Judge totally convince with parammaya story, and issues orders to release him, and warns police for using power on him.


Police releases parammaya from their custody. Parammaya laughs on the face of inspector, and says “ I almost had her on that day, she is lucky she died, but I enjoyed”, mummers in inspector ears.

Inspector gets angry, he reaches his station, he reevaluate all clues, and proofs. He order everyone reevaluate everything, I need that culprit. They evaluate every proof, clues, and reports. They fails to find new details. Inspector, total squad spends on total night on reports.


Saturday, morning.


Inspector spend total night on reports, but finds nothing. Inspector reaches mortuary checks her body again, this time inspector collects to her small amount of blood, and hair. Inspector calls his team, and orders them take a search warrant for parammaya house, and when you receive permission raid his house, and i will meet you at his house.


Parammaya leaves his house for work. Inspector enters his house by breaking back door. Inspector opens cupboard door, takes on shirt out, drops two drops of blood on back of shirt, and wraps hair around one shirt button. Suddenly police enters from front door, so inspector slowly leaves from back door, and joints with them from front door.


Police searches parammaya house, inspector finds a shirt with blood strain, and hair in cupboard. Sends the shirt for forensic department for clues. Police arrest parammaya at bus stop, sends him into custody. Forensic department conforms that hair, and blood related to shushmitha. Inspector releases press note, that proving that parammaya is the criminal, with proofs. Parammaya loses accepts the crime, and explains how he did it.


Sunday, morning.


Inspector submits parammaya, with proofs. Parammaya accepts that he did that crime. Court 14 years prison time for murder, and attempt to rape. Parammaya is still happy for prison time, he still smiles at inspector face, and inspector smiles back to parammaya.


On the way to prison, police vehicle stops. Inspector, and constables gets down with parammaya. One constable punchers the tire. Another constables starts hitting remaining constables with stick. Few constables bleeds. Parammaya doesn’t understand what just happened. Inspector shouts run parammaya run, if you runs fast you can have another life, or else you will die today. Parammaya starts running towards forest. Inspector, and constables runs after him some distance, then inspector shoots parammaya. Police releases press that he tried to escape from us, so have no choice we did encounter.


Sunday, night.

Case closed.

Justice served.





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